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2020 (6)
Lisette Anciaes

Lisette Anciaes

Senior Account Executive at DCR Strategies Inc.
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Bio Business development focused approach mainly through attracting new client sales and penetrating into new areas of opportunity within established clients. Strong collaboration with the marketing department to ensure proper branding and program execution.


Trends in Financial Services

Incentives, Without the Travel

06 Oct 2020

Incentive travel is an important subcategory of the Meetings, Incentives, Conferences, and Exhibitions (MICE) industry – used by many top companies as a “perk” to help incentivize, motivate or inspire employees and partners across their organization. Often tied to a company’s long-term goals, top-tier employees are effectively given a “carrot” tha...

Financial Literacy for Kids

The New Curriculum: Fintech’s Role In Financial Literacy

09 Sep 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic has dramatically reshaped the traditional school experience. Gone are the days of the school cafeteria, with hundreds of teenagers sitting elbow-to-elbow eating and spreading germs. Everything taken away by COVID, however, must be replaced in some form. It is exceedingly likely that these new COVID safety protocols in school ...

Digital Banking Trends

How Prepaid Card Companies Can Help University Per Diem Payments

23 Jul 2020

In light of the recent worldwide pandemic, industries are quickly changing the way payments are received and distributed. It is no longer considered safe to pay or receive pay with cash or cheques as this is perceived as another way to transfer the deadly virus. This should be especially considered in delivering University and College per diem pay...


How Virtual Prepaid Cards are helping Reward, Motivate and Incentivize Employees during COVID-19

17 Apr 2020

We are living in uncertain times; the COVID-19 pandemic is changing the world as we know it more specifically the work force. Although there have been thousands of layoffs, so many people are still working from home or through preventative measures at their workplaces and many employers are looking for ways to motivate those that are out there for...